Gyeongbokgung to Myeongdong

After waking up at the RYSE and having breakfast, we headed back to Gyeongbokgung to see the guard changing ceremony at Gwanghwamun. We then visited the adjacent National Palace Museum before having lunch. After, we walked over to Myeongdong, visiting the Buddhist Jogyesa on the way. We walked around Myeongdong a bit, having some bingsoo and a snack before returning the RYSE to end our day.

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City of Westminster

After a very early arrival in London, we dropped off our bags at our hotel and headed over to Westminster. We walked across the Thames and by Big Ben and headed into St. James Park. We walked past the lake, taking some time to look at all the British birds. We arrived at Buckingham Palace in time to get a good spot to view the changing the guard ceremony. Afterwards, we headed directly to Wellington Arch where we caught the Underground to Piccadilly Circus where we had lunch. We then continued onward through Leicester and Trafalgar Squares, soon reaching the Thames once again. We crossed via the Jubilee Bridge, continuing along the Thames back to where we started our day!

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